What they’re saying

“Venue: I liked the Old Electricity Building as an exhibiting space.
Organization: It was very good.
Public Response: Some people were skeptical about using such an old building. They liked the atmosphere at Shibani Building more.
Personal Development and Benefits: The cultural exchange. We had the possibility to meet other artists/people in this interesting cultural surrounding. It was very enriching to me”.

The venue: For me personally it was a great experience to visit Syria, also because I have never visited a Middle Eastern country before. I was quite surprised that the exhibition space was this old factory, at first I may have thought that an organization with such broad and qualified staff and with this amount of good artists and support would have more “normal” physical circumstances. Perhaps I thought it would be an exhibition space like “the white cubes” as we know them from the western countries. In more humble circumstances I have previously shown my work in odd places like cellars and old factories. But this has been very “underground” (in a positive sense), and not as official as I found the exhibition in Aleppo to be. But it has been my experience that it is not that difficult to convert a challenge into a benefit. And in the end I found that it became a very beautiful exhibition, which showed a variety of works in the media of photography. The big industrial space became a hall of celebration and meeting.

Organization: It is very difficult for me to say anything about the organization besides what I observed. I was very happy that even though Mr. Issa Touma, Haygan, Brian Hunter and all the others working in the organization, were very busy, I had a chance to meet, talk and get to know them. I felt that I was treated like a friend from the first moment, and the people were even concerned about our stay as tourists. I got to see some of the wonderful places around Aleppo and had rich possibilities to work with my camera.

The three of us (the Danes) had talked about how we should get the most out of the visit to Aleppo and we had agreed on using as much time as possible in the exhibition space, to use the possibility of meeting with photographers, artists and public from parts of the world of which we actually know so little. I felt that the organization fully backed up this attitude, and this fact gave us so many great meetings and interesting talks. Plus some nice social occasions in the evenings with 10 to 12 people from possibly 5 or 6 different countries.

Public response: Besides the personal meeting and handing out flyers I have little idea of how the public responded. I had the pleasure to meet with Syrian television, but I have had no reactions on this. Also I know nothing about what the press have been writing. Here normally there would be some reviews in the newspapers. I don’t know if this happened in Syria about our exhibition. (Did it?)

Personal development: I think you can read between the lines above, that I had a great experience by visiting the 6th Photography Gathering. It broadened my horizons and was quite inspiring. Also I found that I saw new things in my own work, when it was removed from the western cultural context. I had to find new ways to explain why I make the pictures I do.

It is my pleasure to give some comments and my ideas about the Sixth International Photography Gathering in Aleppo. One difficulty is that I could not be there from the beginning of the festival to meet different people and photographers. But for me it was very interesting to see the pictures in a place like that Old Electricity Building. It was a good idea, travelling to Syria for the first time and was a good chance, to see the differences, the similarities, to find good friends, to hear helpful advice about my work and to improve it in the future

The Photography Gathering’ in Aleppo is not a smaller version of some international festivals and gatherings such as ‘City of Arles Photography Gatherings’ in France or ‘Photo Spain’ in Madrid, but rather has its own unique identity. This gathering has all the conditions, which enable it to reach a truly international level. It is an event which Syrians and inhabitants of nearby countries look forward to every year.
The gathering has progressed very well if we consider the fact that this it is only six year since its inception. It provided the opportunity to individuals who are interested in this modern art form to communicate, to view and to interact with international artists. The Photography Gathering complements other international cultural activities. This is accomplished by taking the steps to bring artists, particularly those from developed countries to share their art locally. The Photography Gathering continues to cover and exhibit images from all photographic categories. Also by devoting itself to photography alone it exposes and draws attention to the art of photographic imagery as an art form in its own right. This process helps the Gathering to develop its own identity and the qualities that make the Photography Gathering unique.

Some criticisms: There is a necessity to improve the physical plant, the lighting, to provide informed individuals and staff to assist the public, and to install seating. Finally the gathering should work to expand the provision of more expert opinion and art criticism in the form of lectures or talks that help us to gain a better understanding of the art of photographic image from all perspectives including visual, historical and regional

When we were young, we often passed by this massive, old and strange building, which uncontrollably belched smoke from its chimneys. We would hear strange and frightening sounds coming from inside. We were bewildered and wondered what was going inside that forbidding place. Later, we learned that it was an electrical generator pumping out power that was sent through the wires that we could see in the streets, reaching our homes and schools to supply us with lighting and the electrical energy needed for appliances. We didn’t understand how this process worked at the time, however we were in awe of the secrets that this mighty building held.

Time passed and as we grew up the march of progress brought to the city of Aleppo an improved infrastructure. That grand building ceased to pump smoke and the generators went silent. Inexplicably the building was abandoned, left deserted, and became an empty and desolate monolith in the heart of Aleppo. When we enquired about the old electricity building, we were informed that the energy consumption needs of Aleppo required the closure of that station and a new, larger and modern generator had been built to replace it in the Ain al-Tel area of Aleppo.

Again years later, one day in May, I was surprised to receive an invitation card for The International Women’s Art Festival to be held in this very same building. I thought that there must be a mistake. But all the posters, around the city confirmed this to be true. When I went to this art festival and opening ceremony I found that this huge and once desolate place had been brought back to life. The building was alive with crowds of people, all the walls covered with art work in the form paintings and photos created by artists from all over the world. I walked with the other visitors among the engines, the open pits and machine oil spots on the floor, enjoying the beautiful artistic work. The startling contrast added charm to this international cultural phenomenon. This mighty structure, once a great source of electrical power, sadly negected during a long sleep had been transformed into one of the most important artistic and intellectual gathering places in Aleppo.

The head of the organizing committee for this process is Mr. Issa Touma. He is a photgrapher who has devoted his life to art and to raising the profile of his country, Syria, in the international cultural and artistic areana. He works non stop to organize art exhibitions, particularly photography exhibits, sparing no effort, with great energy and commitment. This was not the first time he accomplished such an achievement for he was the person who recognized the potential of Aleppo’s archeological treasure, the Shibani Building. Here to, he transformed it to a meeting place for all the artists who gathered from all over the world, to participate, to exhibit their paintings and photos, to dialogue with Aleppo public, to attend musical concerts, lectures and to initiate literary discussions.And so it was that these deserted buildings became the cultural gathering places for the all peoples.

The latest Interntional Photography Gathering, which was held in Septemer 2002 in the Old Electricity Building was a great success. Those responsible for organizing this cutural exchange showed great energy and vision. The Patron of the Photography Gathering, Prime Minister Miro took the time to preside at the oppening along with many ambassadors and dignitaries who reside in our flourishing country.

During this two week cultural experience many international photgraphers brought their experience to this rare cultural exchange in this beautiful building. The building was brought back to life with the photography exhibitions, music concerts and discussions. We all hope that the Photgraphy Gathering will be an example to be followed. The transformation of this old deserted place into an art exhibition space was an innovation that deserves recognition and evaluation from those responsible officers in the administration of our great country

It is always a particular pleasure for me to visit Aleppo and to attend the International Photography Gatherings organized by Issa Touma and his staff. These events are so well received by the public and provide an excellent selection of images by artists coming from many countries of the world. It is also a great opportunity for the participants and visitors to exchange ideas and become friends. I therefore see the festival as vivid and highly successful contribution to the dialogue of cultures and civilizations and between people coming from different regions of the word, acting as a meeting point between East and West. I am very happy that Austrian photographers have been able to participate at the last three festivals with the support of the Austrian Embassy in Damascus. I am looking forward to further co-operation and wish Issa Touma and his team well in the preparations for the 7th International Photography Gathering in 2003

The Sixth International Photogarphy Gathering in Aleppo has established itself and created a presence and proven effectiveness on both local and international levels. Of course, it is the most important photography gathering in the Middle East. However, we hope that in the coming years the international and the local mass media will cover the activities of the festival on a larger scale, to expand international awareness of this very valuable cultural event. Promotion of The Photography Gathering should be maximized to raise awareness of this annual event and introduce all of the artists especially the Syrian artists to the whole world

Issa Touma is one of the best known photographers in Syria. His photos are distinguished by their environmental immediacy and humanity. His main concern is to express this duality in all his works. In most of his exhibited photos, the human being is revealed in close relationship with their condition. Thus, his work asserts that the envirnonment is meaningless without the human inhabitants. The later is the son of the environment and the son of his age.

Issa Touma also has maintained a persistent search for the best and most interesting locations to show art. He discovered a number of defunct historic locations which he turned into public spaces that would later amaze visitors. His first effort was the unearthing Khan Ass’ad Basha in Damascus which he found in a dormant condition. Issa set to work and transformed it into a public gallery for all manner of artistic and cultural activities serving the public and showcasing Syrian artists in a lovely location.

Next, Issa explored the ancient archeologically significant Shibani Church in Aleppo. Historically it was used as an economic administration building and later served as a school. Eventually the Shibani fell into disuse. Issa then organized a group of volunteers including university students and foreigners, who reside in Aleppo and turned the Shibani into a public exposition space. They set work cleaning up all the accumulated dust and debris and opened there with the Second International Photography Gathering in 1998. Holding the Photography Gatherings in this archeological site, redolent with the feel and smell of history proved to be a revelation and surprise to the public accustomed to art exhibitions in modern galleries. Visitors to the shows examined the images on display but also were forced to think about the building from a different perspective.

Later Issa Touma continued his search for more interesting locations His aim was to find new places, which showcase the work of many photographers that are brought from all over the world to participate in the Photography Gatherings. Eventually he found The Old Electricity Building, a long abandoned industerial space from the twenties. Once again he set to cleaning up the space by eliminating the old engines, the damaged pinions, and cleaning away the many years of accumulated grease from the floor and the walls. But the result was really remarkable. All those who entered the Sixth International Photogarphy Gathering’s showplace felt that although the building belongs to a past age, it was still expressive and close to their hearts.

Issa Touma, by organizing all these Gatherings and by transforming all these interesting locations to museums, aims to serve humanity and to share artistic experiences and visions

Between 11th of September and 30th of September I had a wonderful opportunity to participate The 6th International Photography Gathering in Aleppo, 2002. This festival took a place in an unusual place, The Old Electricity Building in Aleppo. It is one of the most important cultural events in Syria.

Organizers of this event, (my special thanks to Mr. Issa Touma), chose this old and very interesting industrial place for the meeting of artists from different countries and different cultures. The main part of the exhibition was photography, but also very important was the series of activities, for example, workshops by artists, who discussed their work with the public, concerts of all the kinds (modern and classic), dance and the other performances.

The artists were given the opportunity to show their work in the Old Electricity Building, but also everyone was supplied with the any equipment they needed for installations. The organizers printed, in English and Arabic, a catalogue with a profile of each artist, a package made up of a collection of colourful picture postcards with a copy of a sample of each artists work, invitations, posters of two sizes and the other assorted materials. All the artists stayed for five days in the fine Amir Hotel.

There was also a great deal of information about this festival running in newspapers, television and other media. Many performances and lectures were also shown on television.

For my personal development all this was very important. I was well informed beforehand on how the festival was planned. The Photo Gathering was a great opportunity for me to discover the differences in thinking between two (or several) cultures and the similarities. In my opinion this was an important aspect for the all people participating this festival, artists and public alike.

As everyone works on his or her own subject, which can be very different from the ideas of other artists, there is a certain line of human ideas and feelings, which are finally similar for all. This is good to discover again and again especially when the world is becoming so complicated and sometimes difficult place. Culture is one of the strongest languages which helps people to understand one another.

I am very happy I have met all the interesting and creative people and be able to share with them my ideas and opinions. I would like to thank again the organizers of this big cultural event, for myself and for the other people who were able to participate

I think holding the photo exhibition in the new exhibition place was a very innovative idea, and the fact that each year the exhibition was held in different locations is one of the positive points in your work. Also the fact that all the photographers invited to participate come from different countries provides the opportunity for photographers to meet each other in a professional atmosphere. My question is about the way the photographers are chosen, since I think they are not very harmonious. Anyhow your effort to shoulder the responsibility of holding such an exhibition all alone is a very positive point. Hoping to witness your success in future years with a more planning. Meanwhile thank you so much for all the trouble you went through during our stay in Aleppo

I really appreciated the organization and enjoyed discovering the city of Aleppo. The venue was perfect, and not the least bit disturbing to find that the exhibition place is an old electric plant! Obviously it was a huge task to change this greasy place into an exhibition hall. But you succeeded! The organization was cool and efficient, no special problems to mention.

Regarding the public response, the opening was a success, with many people much interested in the work and the artists. We noticed that this manifestation was well publicized to the population and that the public desire to see the show was very real.
As for my personal development as an artist, I am always keen to exhibit in new places. It was my first time to show in the Middle East and it clearly helped me to focus on the necessity to further pursue interaction with other cultures and attitudes.
Another benefit of the Photography Gathering was the demonstrated strong will of the
organizers to develop new audiences in the region and introduce African artists.

On Behalf of the American Cultural Center and the American Embassy in Damascus I would like to extend our thanks to you for your unsparing efforts to successfully present the photography exhibition of the American photographer Mel Rosenthal as part of The Photography Gathering in Aleppo. The American Cultural Center was very pleased to participate in this cultural event, presented with the the patronage of the Prime Minister Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Miro. We appreciate your efforts very much and convey our gratitude’s to you, to the organizing committee and especially to the Engineer Wahid Adel.

We look forward to similar photography gatherings in Aleppo in the future I extend to you the best wishes from all the employees in the American Embassy in Damascus, and the warmest regards from the American Cultural Center.

In our cities there are many forgotten structures that form a bond to antiquity that have been overlooked over the years. For the most part these places have lost their usefulness become neglected when they were deserted for more modern alternatives.

However these old and sometimes forgotten buildings retain the memory of their ancient use and reveal the essential nature and characteristics of our cities. To destroy these landmarks is to betray the community’s heritage by eliminating the beautiful old character of these cities.

In some cases the sons of the community have originated new solutions to the problem of finding ways to preserve and make use of these heritage landmarks as cultural and community centers.

On my visit to Sixth International Photography Gathering in the Old Electricity Building I was reminded of the galleries I visited in London and Zurich.. In Zurich an old tile factory had been transformed into an amazing cultural center that became an active magnet for the city’s young people and directed their creative energies. It became a appropriate place for them to explain their dreams and to exhibit their various artistic creations including theatre, literature, photography, fine arts, etc.

The Old Electricity Building in Aleppo has been transformed by sweeping away the piles worthless iron and accumulated dust. This old landmark has a new life and purpose as a cultural center presenting art exhibitions and performance art by artists from Syria and all over the world. This space has a new cultural purpose presenting a window of opportunity for the world to see our creative inventions and for us to sail toward the new artistic horizons.

Art is privately expressed but interacts with other humans and envelopes them. It evolves from the particular to the general, from the local to the international.

Le Pont Gallery under its director Issa Touma and through the Photography Gathering creates a window to the whole world

The feeling of astonishment and surprise visitors experienced when entering the Old Electricity Building to see The Sixth International Photography Gathering was created by the old, deserted and industrial environment of that building. However, this environment did not detract from, indeed it enhanced the technical beauty revealed in the photographs. The works of art exhibited there, were produced by a considerable number of artists from different regions, but it became evident that they executed work of substantial artistic merit, each one with its own feelings and own visions towards the surrounding reality. Thus, the photographs on display were rooted in and embraced modern realities while relating to a historical city like Aleppo where evolution of the human history and the timeless human and artistic search for truth is symbolized.

The time is frozen in exhibited photographs, as they are the interpretations and experiences of the participating artists but they are only brought to life, by the visitors and the audience of the exhibition who view the work and create a dynamic that motivates the imagination and gives birth to the idea of co-operation and the feeling of intimate participation.

Usually time absorbs the events and the incidents, so they recede through the circle of life. But part of it is preserved in the individual and collective memory, this is precisely the aim of the art of photography. Photography reaches its zenith when it develops into something closer to the art. Thus, the significance of this kind of photography gathering, is its crucial role in the struggle to push and pull photography into the sphere of the other plastic arts and take its place along side painting and sculpture.

During the relatively short history of photography since the invention of the lens and the camera, photographers have been constantly striving to bring this technology to the level of art. And exhibitions such as this are an essential part of this process

The Sixth International Photography Gathering is a unique cultural phenomenon that should be encouraged and supported by our country because of the benefits from derived the atmosphere of free and open investigation that it brings to our country. It is not as some of the weak penholders supposed. Some would like to impede the march progress and the benefits our civilization derives from these activities.

Syria is a country that is ready for the freedom that this kind of cultural exchange brings. A freedom of thought and expression, that is spreading all over the world. Of course, this new notion of liberty of thought and action must respect and not interfere with freedom of other individuals. We must be aware of our traditions and not exceed the reality of our laws.

I would like to convey my deep thanks to the organizing committee who worked with such dedication towards elevating the cultural activities in Aleppo, which is the sole purl in the history of Syria

Photography, in my opinion, is something that improves your perception and directs your mind towards something that has never been noticed, so that you develop your special ways of looking at things.
This is what I found in this exclusive festival. It encourages people to improve their perspective, and most of all, it gathered artists of various genres, and art viewers of different tastes in one artistic atmosphere

Here are my comments about the festival: The place (the Old Electric Building) is fantastic, very big and lot of space and very “trendy”, in Paris we love this kind of space. I think you can do better for the lighting. Regarding the organization, it was almost perfect; it’s always difficult to satisfy everyone in a festival with so many photographers. Personally I have no complaint about the organization. It was very interesting to see and to listen to the reactions of the public to my pictures, and to speak with them, speak about my work and my way of making pictures, why I take these kinds of pictures with this kind of camera and so on…. For me during a festival, it’s very important to meet people and to talk and share the way I see things (!). It is also as important to show my pictures. During this festival I met some people who were puzzled about my work, so I could explain different things, and it was interesting for them, and also for me! Before this festival, I dreamed of going to Syria, and this festival gave me this opportunity to visit the country, meet people, and show my work! It’s great, but one week is too short. But it was a good experience and a very good trip, all the people were very nice and curious. That’s it!

I don’t know what to say about the festival, I was so happy to be there, the reception was so sympathetic and warm. Maybe it’s a good idea to seek sponsorship by the Syrian Airlines. I was very pleased to see so many people coming to see the exhibition, I am gratified that it was of interest to all these people. It was very good. I liked very much the building, not because it’s French construction, but this space is very interesting, so pleasant and big but not too big. I liked very much the catalogue, I can show it to many people in Paris. I hope to work again in Syria (Aleppo or Damas, or elsewhere…) and with you again

Referring to the feedback.
1- Photos should not be GLUED or STICK to the wall but cleanly presented.
2- Better photographer presentation on a small separate panel giving more credit to the presented work.
3- A personalized DOCS to each participating photographer incl. city map, day by day program different workshop’s calendar, who is who phone number etc… To facilitate meetings.
4- A welcome meeting with all participating photographers to know each other & exchanging points of views. We hope you will turn these points into positive, we still remain at your entire disposal for any further cooperation.

The Sixth International Photography Gathering and Festival brought together a large cross section of photographers from all over the world including artists from Syria and the Arab world.

The Photography Gathering was distinguished by its open discussions in which all participants and visitors were invited to enjoy and involve themselves in this important aspect of the festival. The open discussions were about various cultures, religions, attitudes, customs and traditions. Thus, the aims of these discussions were to elevate the human soul, and to strive to attain the ideal of peace, freedom, and democracy.

The organizing committee of this festival chose on old building as the meeting place for this photography gathering. People of the generation from twentieth century found it of particular and special importance. This old structure formerly housed an electrical generator plant where the constant motion of its engines symbolized the coming of modernity for the older generation and technical progress, which brought light, motion and power to every single structure in Aleppo.

This festival brought together the old and the new, the machine and the soul, human energy and motion, the significance of which was highlighted by the photographs and the artistic works hung throughout the building.

The gathering is a splendid cultural phenomenon, which is renewed every year by virtue of the persistent care and the efforts of the organization committee and the participants. We have a greater need for these kinds of annual cultural gatherings, indeed, why not every season.

لا شك لقد أكد اللقاء الدولي الفوتوغرافي لحلب حضوره وفاعليته على الصعيدين العالمي والمحلي، وهو بلا شك أهم اللقاءات الفوتوغرافية في الشرق الأوسط. ولكن أتمنى في السنوات المقبلة أن تكون التغطية الإعلامية المحلية وخاصة العالمية على مستوى الحدث ولا تقل عنه أهمية، لكي يزداد قوة وفاعلية ويأخذ نصيبا أكبر من الدعاية والشهرة والتعريف بالفنانين خاصة السوريين على الصعيد العالمي والذين لا يقلون عن زملائهم العرب والغربيين قوة وفن

أقدم الشكر لكل من يقدم الجهد لرفع اسم سوريا عاليا و بدوري أقدم الشكر للسيد عيسى توما الذي قدم الكثير من جهده لتحقيق المهرجان العالمي للتصوير الضوئي الذي ليس له مثيل في الدول المجاورة, و من خلاله أحيا معالم أثرية لتكن قابلة للاستخدام السياحي مثل مبنى الشيباني و شركة الكهرباء القديمة التي تعود إلى الفترة الفرنسية

إن “اللقاء الفوتوغرافي الدولي” هو الوحيد من نوعه في منطقة الشرق الأوسط و يسد نقصا كبيرا في مجال أنشطة الفنون البصرية, خصوصا الفوتوغرافية منها و كم نحن بحاجة ماسة إليه لما يشكل من فرص لتجاربنا الفوتوغرافية العصرية, بمنأى عن الأهداف التجارية, كي تصل إلى الآخرين في أقاصي العالم.
إن هذا اللقاء, بمداه الإقليمي و العالمي, يمكننا من التعرف على تجارب عديدة و متنوعة, و يزيد من إمكانية تفاعل الإبداعات فيما بينها, في ظل غياب صحافة متخصصة في هذا المجال.
لذا, نطلب و بإلحاح, أن تكتب له الاستمرارية و ندعم بإخلاص جهود منظميه

بين 11-30 أيلول كانت لدي الفرصة الرائعة للمشاركة في اللقاء الدولي الفوتوغرافي السادس في حلب لعام 2002. فقد كان مكان المهرجان غير عاديا هذه السنة مبنى شركة الكهرباء القديمة في حلب. لقد كان اللقاء الدولي واحدا من أهم النشاطات الثقافية في سوريا. منظمي هذا اللقاء (أقدم شكري الخاص للسيد عيسى توما) اختاروا هذا المكان القديم و الصناعي و لكن المثير للاهتمام ليكون مكان تلاقي فنانين و فنانات من بلدان و ثقافات مختلفة. القسم الرئيسي للعرض كان التصوير الضوئي. علاوة على ذلك كان هناك سلسلة من النشاطات المهمة مثل ورشات عمل الفنانين الذين ناقشوا أعمالهم مع الجمهور, الحفلات الموسيقية بجميع أنواعها ( الحديث و الكلاسيك) رقص و نشاطات أخرى. لقد منح للفنانين فرصة عرض أعمالهم الفنية في مبنى شركة الكهرباء القديمة, و كل فنان تزود بالتجهيزات اللازمة لو رشة عمله. إن اللجنة التنظيمية للقاء الدولي السادس طبعت كتالوجا (باللغتين الإنكليزية و العربية) و الذي يحتوي على لمحة حياة كل فنان , و بطاقات بريدية ملونة و التي هي نماذج من الأعمال الفنية للمصورين المشاركين, بطاقات دعوة, بوستر بحجمين (كبيرة و صغيرة) و المطبوعات الأخرى. جميع الفنانين نزلوا في فندق أمير لمدة 5 أيام.
إضافة لذلك فقد كان هناك معلومات وافرة عن هذا المهرجان في الجرائد اليومية و التلفزيون و الوسط الثقافي. نشاطات كثيرة و مقابلات متعددة بثت على شاشة التلفزيون.

لتطوري الشخصي كل هذا العوامل كانت مهمة. كنت قد علمت مقدما عن كيفية التخطيط للمهرجان. إن اللقاء الدولي كانت فرصة كبيرة لي لأكتشف الاختلافات و الفوارق في طرق التفكير بين الثقافات المتعددة . في رأي, يعتبر هذا عاملا مهما لجميع الناس الذين شاركوا في هذا المهرجان من فنانين و جمهور. كل فنان كان يعمل على موضوعه الخاص الذي كان مختلفا تماما عن أفكار و مواضيع الآخرين. و لكن كان هناك خط المشاعر و الأفكار و الأحاسيس الإنسانية التي كانت متشابهة فيما بينها. من الضروري أن يكتشف هذه المشاعر الإنسانية و خصوصا في عالم معقد كعالمنا, الثقافة هي واحد من اللغات القوية التي تساعد الناس لتفهم بعضها البعض.
أنا سعيدة جدا, لقد قابلت أناس مهمين و مبدعين و استطعت أن أتقاسم معهم أفكاري و أحاسيسي. أود أن أشكر للمرة الثانية اللجنة التنظيمية لهذا النشاط الثقافي الكبير من أجل نفسي و من أجل جميع الناس الذين شاركوا في هذا المهرجان

لا أعرف ماذا أقول عن المهرجان. كنت سعيدا جدا لوجودي هناك, لقد كان الاستقبال لطيفا و دافئا جدا . ربما يكون من الجيد أن نحاول الحصول على دعم من الخطوط الجوية السورية. كنت مسرورا جدا لرؤيتي المجموعة الكبيرة من الناس التي كانت تأتي لزيارة المعرض و لرؤية الصور التي أثارت اهتمامها. لقد كان جيدا جدا و قد أحببت المبنى كثيرا ليس لأنه بناء فرنسيا بل لأن المكان ذاته مثير للاهتمام و كبير نسبيا. أيضا لقد أحببت الكتالوج, أتستطيع أن أريه لناس كثيرين في باريس. أتمنى أن اعمل مرة أخرى في سوريا ( في حلب أو دمشق أو في أي مكان أخر) و أتمنى أن أعمل معك ثانية

في رأيي, إن فن التصوير الفوتوغرافي يطور الإدراك و يوجه عقل الإنسان نحو أشياء لم تلاحظ من قبل, و بذلك يطور الإنسان أساليبه الشخصية لفحص و تدقيق الأشياء. هذا هو ما وجدته في هذا المهرجان. إنه يشجع الناس لتطوير إدراكهم و أهم من ذلك لقد جمع اللقاء الفوتوغرافي الأخير فنانين من بلدان مختلفة و محبي الفن ذوي أذواق متنوعة مع بعضهم البعض في جو ثقافي فني

هذه هي آرائي حول المهرجان:
المكان (مبنى شركة الكهرباء القديمة ) كان رائعا, كبيرا جدا ذو مساحات واسعة .نحن في باريس نحب الأماكن الكبيرة كهذه. أعتقد أنكم تستطيعون تطوير الإضاءة و تحسينها. إن التنظيم كان رائعا و شبه كامل. إنه من الصعب جدا أن ترضي الجميع في المهرجان و بهذا العدد الكبير من المصورين. شخصيا, ليس لدي آية شكاوي على التنظيم. لقد كان مثيرا للاهتمام رؤية الناس و الزائرين و سماع آرائهم و ردود فعلهم والتكلم معهم حول صوري و عن طريقة التقاطي للصور و لماذا أختار صورا معينة باستخدام نوعا خاصا من الكاميرا. بالنسبة لي انه من المهم جدا رؤية و مقابلة الناس و التكلم معهم و مشاركتهم طريقة رؤيتي للأشياء في المهرجان. خلال المهرجان لقد قابلت بعض الزائرين الذين كانوا محتارين بأعمالي وكأنه كان بمثابة لغز بالنسبة لهم, فتوجب علي شرح أشياء مختلفة و كان ذلك مثيرا للاهتمام بالنسبة لهم و بالنسبة لي أيضا. قبل هذا المهرجان كنت أحلم بالسفر إلى سوريا و قد منحي هذا المهرجان الفرصة التي كنت أنتظرها لزيارة سوريا و مقابلة الناس و عرض عملي. كان رائعا و لكن أسبوع واحد هو فترة زمنية قصيرة جدا. كانت تجربة مفيدة و رحلة جيدة و جميع الناس كانوا لطفاء و فضوليين و محبين للاستطلاع


The International Photography Gathering in Aleppo / Syria serves as a cultural bridge between Syria and the other nations of the world. The Photography Gathering’s aim is to explore deeply the artistic and cultural knowledge shared by the participating artists. Thus, this kind of gathering is a cultural phenomenon that provides a forum for sharing artistic knowledge, exchange of ideas and experiences between the artists, introduces modern artistic techniques and helps them to explore the recent international artistic developments in the realm of art and photography.

This festival is a fine opportunity for Syrian artists to share their artistic values with Arab and visiting foreign artists. This process helps others learn about the deeply rooted and ancient Syrian civilization, its great achievements during the current period of wise political leadership, its openness and its interest in continuing artistic development.

The public had been accustomed to seeing artwork displayed in a number established venues and galleries in Aleppo. However, the International Photography Gathering has undertaken to explore the use of alternative locations like the Shibani Church and the Old Electricity Building. This process transformed these centers into additional dynamic and valuable artistic and cultural centers that help bring about our shared goal of deepening the education and the asthetic vision of the public”.

By holding the Photography Gathering this year in The Old Electricty Building, the resulting contrast between the the old industrial enviroment and the exhibited photos created an important experimental dynamic expanding the creative possibilities.

Furthermore, the Photography Gathering makes a serious and signifcant contribution artistically because of the participation of the international artists. Their presence provides an important exchange of ideas and shared experience between the visiting and local artists.

Finally the Photo Gathering is an important occasion whereby artists show their pictures and express their views, interpretations, meanings and artistic visions. Each artist has his or her own identity and the Photography Gathering offers us a look at the multiplicity of individual artistic expression.

All these factors have played a major role helping the Sixth International Photography Gathering achieve the highest level of artistic quality in its six year history as a cultural experience devoted to promoting the art of the photographic image.

Aleppo is a city, which has opened its doors to modern developments and progress, is also known as a historic birthplace of ancient civilization.
Aleppo has always been a cultural crossroad and so it is fitting that the
Photography Gathering should maintain this mission and tradition.

Today Aleppo embraces and welcomes the meeting of artists from all over the world who bring with them their aims and dreams. The photographs, which were
exhibited in the 6th International Annual Photography Gathering, were a wonderful collection covering a multiplicity subject matter and profound personal emotion. The smile of a child, the effect of the passing years on the face of an aging man, catastrophe, the profound silence of
nature, the capturing of a special moment, shocking sadness, great

Congratulations Aleppo! Your sons worked faithfully to keep their city as
their fathers left it, a shining beacon for art and science.

Leading the way is the Engineer Munib Sa’m Al-Daher, the Minister of Power and Energy Resources who made the Old Electricity Buildings available to the Organizing Committee of the Sixth International Photography Gathering and its wide ranging activities.

A special tribute to the energetic and visionary Issa Touma, who has worked
unceasingly to make the International Photography Gathering a serious
contributor to the cultural life of Syria.

Finally, I would like to convey my deep and warm greetings to all the
participants, and to everyone who took part in this successful cultural
phenomenon. They worked very hard to introduce themselves and to recognize
others. We need more of these kinds of cultural exchanges at this time.

There are still there are mysteries that raise interesting questions about that old, dark and deserted building known as The Old Electricity Building. That floor has one floor and has huge black metal windows up to the roof. There is a huge metal drum in the middle the floor, that reminds one of the smoke stack of a huge steamship. Over the years this old drum became encrusted with a vile plants green mold.

Issa touma and his team were the main reason for the departure of this metaphorical steamship. They arranged to have the lights the turned on and moved the disgarded engines and tons of scrap metal from the fiftees and sixties. Suddenly it was a forum for photography exhibitions, songs, discussions, performances and workshops.

You will be astonished should you venture in and explore the secrets inside this old building as, we did. Artists give their song and dance performances beside the exhibited photos, which gathered together from all over the world, were oblighed to move on the basis and in the tunnels of that machines. Therefore, the place imposed its presence.

Year after year, the Photography Gathering in Aleppo has become a opportunity to reinvent these old structures like the Old Electricity Building and the Shibani Building. In these spaces, the photographers reveal through their photographic images, life as movable objects in a motionless universe, a chance to see the life from many different perspectives.

Until very recently The Art of Photography had no presence in the cultural life of Aleppo. However, with each annual Photography Gathering the crowds grow bigger every year. No one could realize the international significance of the language of photography which the International Photography Gathering introduces every year.
Simply, we can say that the general characteristics of the exhibited photos did not direct to professionalism nor complexity. However, it would like to convey the fact that each paerson could have his/her own camera. Therefore, he can introduce the universe from his own point of view and present photos from different angles.

This action is simple but very sensitive at the same time. The line which distinguishes the simple from the effective is the line of opinion, which one can fix it by simple pressure on the camera.This will enable everybody to capture photos

Between 11th of September and 30th of September I had a wonderful opportunity to participate The 6th International Photography Gathering in Aleppo, 2002. This festival took a place in an unusual place, The Old Electricity Building in Aleppo. It is one of the most important cultural events in Syria.

Organizers of this event, (my special thanks to Mr. Issa Touma), chose this old and very interesting industrial place for the meeting of artists from different countries and different cultures. The main part of the exhibition was photography, but also very important was the series of activities, for example, workshops by artists, who discussed their work with the public, concerts of all the kinds (modern and classic), dance and the other performances.

The artists were given the opportunity to show their work in the Old Electricity Building, but also everyone was supplied with the any equipment they needed for installations. The organizers printed, in English and Arabic, a catalogue with a profile of each artist, a package made up of a collection of colourful picture postcards with a copy of a sample of each artists work, invitations, posters of two sizes and the other assorted materials. All the artists stayed for five days in the fine Amir Hotel.

There was also a great deal of information about this festival running in newspapers, television and other media. Many performances and lectures were also shown on television.

For my personal development all this was very important. I was well informed beforehand on how the festival was planned. The Photo Gathering was a great opportunity for me to discover the differences in thinking between two (or several) cultures and the similarities. In my opinion this was an important aspect for the all people participating this festival, artists and public alike.
As everyone works on his or her own subject, which can be very different from the ideas of other artists, there is a certain line of human ideas and feelings, which are finally similar for all. This is good to discover again and again especially when the world is becoming so complicated and sometimes difficult place. Culture is one of the strongest languages which helps people to understand one another.

I am very happy I have met all the interesting and creative people and be able to share with them my ideas and opinions. I would like to thank again the organizers of this big cultural event, for myself and for the other people who were able to participate

I would like to convey my deepest gratitude to all the people who organized the Photography Gathering and have done their best to enhance the cultural life of their country, Syria. Personally, I would like to thank Issa Touma, the Director of the International Photography Gathering, who spared no effort in establishing this unique and outstanding cultural event. During this process he renewed two important buildings in Aleppo and thereby ensured and emphasized their architectural importance. The Shibani Building and the Old Electricity Building will serve as important cultural and tourist venues for a long time to come”

The Sixth International Photogarphy Gathering in Aleppo has established itself and created a presence and proven effectiveness on both local and international levels. Of course, it is the most important photography gathering in the Middle East. However, we hope that in the coming years the international and the local mass media will cover the activities of the festival on a larger scale, to expand international awareness of this very valuable cultural event. Promotion of The Photography Gathering should be maximized to raise awareness of this annual event and introduce all of the artists especially the Syrian artists to the whole world

The International Photography Gathering is the only one of its kind in the Middle East. It fills a huge gap in visual arts activities currently available in this region, especially photography. This type of activity is badly needed, in order to provide photographic experiences and opportunities to our modern generation and to connect with the rest of the world artistically as distinct from normal commercial photography.

This gathering with its regional and international significance introduced us to many varied experiences and increases the possibility of bringing creative artists together especially in the absence of experts who specialize in this medium.

The Photo Gathering reinforces our desire to see this event continue in the future and we sincerely support the efforts of its organizers